147 Results

3-D Secure as a Means of Sharing Data for Higher Approval Rates: A Conversation with Arcot

Welcome to the July edition of the Arcot podcast! In this podcast, James Jenkins and Matt Cooke discuss how merchants and issuers are now collaborating, and sharing real-time data to enhance decision-making processes. By providing issuers with more data through 3DS, merchants ensure a comprehensive view of transactions. This empowers issuers to make better decisions, resulting in higher approval rates for transactions. The shared goal remains clear: streamline legitimate transactions while preventing fraudulent activity effectively. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay updated via email and receive the Arcot newsletter for your regular updates on everything related to 3-D Secure and the digital payments industry. Hope you enjoy this edition!


Technological Innovation: A Walk-through of a 3DS Transaction

Welcome to the June edition of the Arcot podcast! In this podcast, James Jenkins and Matt Cooke discuss each step of a 3DS transaction; with a discussion on innovation at each stage, and provide more insights into how merchants today use 3DS primarily for higher approval rates or compliance as opposed to leveraging 3DS as a tool to shift fraud liability. Check out this podcast to learn more! Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay updated via email and receive the Arcot newsletter for your regular updates on everything related to 3-D Secure and the digital payments industry. Hope you enjoy this edition!


Driving Higher Payment Approval Rates for Merchants

Welcome to the May edition of the Arcot podcast! In this podcast, James Jenkins and Matt Cooke share updates on the merchant pilots; using 06 and 05 RCI codes to drive performance, upcoming events, and scorecard enhancements. Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay updated via email and receive the Arcot newsletter for regular updates on everything related to 3-D Secure and the digital payments industry. Hope you enjoy this edition!


Arcot 3DS Summit Highlights and Leveraging AI in the Arcot Platform

Welcome to the April edition of the Arcot podcast! In this podcast, James Jenkins and Matt Cooke share highlights from the recent Arcot 3DS Summit in London. They also cover ​​leveraging AI in the Arcot platform; specifically the AI ruleset. Subscribe to our Monthly Newsletter to stay updated via email. Hope you enjoy this edition!


Arcot to Arcot

Welcome to the March edition of the Arcot podcast! In this podcast, James Jenkins and Matt Cooke discuss an Arcot to Arcot approach (Arcot 3DSS to Arcot ACS), which results in additional data shared between Merchants and Issuers to realize higher approval rates, less friction, and reduced fraud. Subscribe to our Monthly Newsletter to stay updated via email. Hope you enjoy this edition!

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